tuna fishing

tuna fishing

trolling technique

tuna fishing

The tuna fishing success depends on the season tuna fishing tuna itself. Tuna is a fish that like to swarm, so if you want to succeed a lot of tuna fishing, be sure there are hordes of tuna (in season) in the area your fishing. Your can use live bait or trolling with a minnow or a skirt for tuna fishing.

Tuna is one type of fish that swim in groups and always in conjunction with a weight of fish varied. Getting a tuna catches is what can make the mania trying to find a thrill in itself.

tuna fishing

For the seasoned fishing mania, tuna fishing with trolling technique was still able to produce good catches, which this time will be described a few tricks of tuna fishing with trolling techniques.

Trolling fishing techniques using artificial bait / lure trolling, in which a technique of fishing with artificial bait to spread at the end of the rope strings are pulled by a boat runs are meant to attract the attention of target fish with a constant walking speed boat at 70-10 knots.

Some shades of color that can be used on artificial baits are dark green, black, purple, yellow, red and hot pink. Use these lure baits by combining the colors of the bait fish in target areas.

Other techniques can also be used by using the trolling technique is to use a live temple and also use the lure death. By combining these two types of bait were also able to provide a positive response with good results.

tuna fishingtuna fishing
tuna fishingtuna fishingtuna fishing

Live bait and dead bait used, such as yellow tail fish and mackerel, is quite reliable attract tuna. How to use them is by trolling techniques as far as 40-50 meters and float it in 2 (two) end of the rope strings and position the baits at depths of 80-10 meters below the water surface.

Tuna fishing using trolling technique proved to have a sensation for the mania that hunt fish species due to tuna has a tremendous power when fighting especially with some tuna species such as yellow and blue fin tuna and large weighted.

Your biggest catch, Tuna, chicken of the sea

Tuna is a salt water fish from the family Scombridae, mostly in the genus Thunnus. Tuna are fast swimmers, and some species are capable of speeds of 70 km/h (43 mph). Unlike most fish, which have white flesh, the muscle tissue of tuna ranges from pink to dark red. The red coloration derives from myoglobin, an oxygen-binding molecule, which tuna express in quantities far higher than most other fish. Some larger tuna species, such as bluefin tuna, display some warm-blooded adaptations, and can raise their body temperatures above water temperatures by means of muscular activity. This enables them to survive in cooler waters and to inhabit a wider range of ocean environments than other types of fish.
tuna fish size

here are the species of tuna fish. i can't tell you this is the fish target, since tuna fish are endangered species, but it is recommended to do "catch and release" method if you insist.
yellowfin tuna
blackfin tuna
southern bluefin tuna
big eye tuna
northern bluefin tuna
pacific bluefin tuna
longtail tuna

critically endangered tuna

bluefin tuna

The fishing quota for prized southern bluefin tuna has been lifted from its all-time low, in what fishers say is proof the severely depleted species is recovering.

The gourmet sashimi fish found mainly off southern Australia slumped to around 5 per cent of its original stock size under international longlining pressure over 50 years.

Southern bluefin is on conservation groups' fish-eating advisory black lists, particularly after it was found to have been devastated by a hidden 20-year Japanese overcatch.

panda endangered bluefin tuna

But recent stock assessments show a dramatic increase in the number of juvenile fish, and sustained strength in the population of older fish, according to the Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Association.

''We are celebrating the recovery of the stock," the association's chief executive, Brian Jeffriess, said yesterday.

Next year, fishers based at Port Lincoln, South Australia, will be able to take 4528 tonnes of bluefin, up around 500 tonnes on this year, and the quota will slowly rise over the following two years.

gorilla endangered bluefin tuna

The six-nation Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna met in Bali this week for what the Australian delegation said was the most important meeting in its history.

The commission agreed a total quota rise of one third in the $1 billion fishery over the three-year period, from the current 9449 tonnes to 12,449 tonnes.

Crucially for Australia, the commission also agreed to impose a sophisticated fishery management scheme to keep a regular check on the sustainability of the catch - a world first for any tuna fishery.

The Fisheries Minister, Joe Ludwig, said agreement on the scheme was a vital step towards rebuilding the stock.

The fish's ''critically endangered'' status was recently reaffirmed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and supported by scientific advice to the federal Environment Department.

But a departmental advisory committee said that given the highly migratory nature of SBT stock, the best chance of maximising recovery remained with globally co-ordinated management, and it rejected a trade ban.

TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, said the commission's outcome was a good first step. ''But it's as if the patient was still in the emergency department - it's not out of danger yet,'' said marine programme leader, Glenn Sant.

rhino endangerd bluefin tuna

Humane Society International said a zero quota was still the best way to protect the fish, and it was time to turn attention to greater protection of seabirds, sharks and turtles caught in longlines by the fishery.

The Coalition spokesman for Fisheries, Senator Richard Colbeck, said the increase was a testament to industry discipline, in the face of conservationist doomsday predictions.

The quota remains a far cry from the peak of bluefin tuna fishing, when up to 80,000 tonnes a year was taken in the 1960s.

Driftnets threatens ocean wildlife

Driftnets sound relatively harmless as a fishing method. But as any marine biologist will tell you, this gear threatens ocean wildlife. At its November meeting, however, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) could take steps to enforce current international prohibitions on the usage of this damaging practice.
tuna fishing areas

Held on the sea’s surface or just below with floating devices, driftnets can be miles long. Depending on the size of the mesh, they can entangle anything that happens to swim nearby, including sea turtles, whales, swordfish and tuna.

Banned But Still in Use

Most countries recognized that driftnets harm too many marine species (PDF) to remain an acceptable form of fishing. The United Nations banned them on the high seas in 1993, and the European Union followed suit in 2002. In 2003, ICCAT prohibited the use of driftnets to catch tuna and swordfish. Yet an active, illegal driftnet fishery still exists in the Mediterranean, with Italy having one of the largest fleets.

tuna runscape

This illegal operation still exists because the European Union didn’t ask Italy and others to halt driftnets outright. Once the ban took effect, rather than being sanctioned for their illegal driftnet activities, these countries received large sums of money from national and EU funds to convert to other fishing methods. Italian boat owners, captains, and crew members received more than €100 million (US$136 million), and that’s when things got complicated.

Italian law accounts for two types of driftnets. Spadare are high-seas driftnets that have been banned by all international bodies active in the Mediterranean, the EU, and, theoretically, Italy. Ferrettare were originally designed as small-scale nets to catch nearshore species along the Italian coast. In recent years, the mesh size has increased, enabling smaller fish to pass through unharmed while conveniently—and illegally—catching valuable Atlantic bluefin tuna and swordfish.

Various legal changes in Italy have also allowed ferrettare to be used far beyond the coast. This facilitates the continued use of driftnets to catch threatened species, despite numerous bans and the condemnation of the international community.

For years, conservation groups documented the Italian fleet’s use of driftnets to catch bluefin tuna, swordfish and other vulnerable marine species. From 2005 to the beginning of this year, more than 317 vessels were identified as fishing illegally. Of these, 89 received funds from the EU and the Italian government to convert to other fishing methods. Sanctions imposed by the Italian government on these vessels have been described as “derisory” and inadequate. They have had little or no effect on illegal activities and are seen by vessel owners merely as an additional operating cost.

yellowfin tuna and big eye tuna

Getting Serious

The EU, though, seems finally to have had enough of this noncompliance. In Ponza, Italy, EU inspectors found driftnets on numerous fishing vessels, all appearing significantly longer than the allowed length of ferrettare. Local authorities told the inspectors that they had not conducted any onboard investigations since the start of the driftnet season, even though the vessels—with the illegal nets in plain sight—are moored approximately 100 yards from the Italian coast guard’s offices.

In July, Italian media reported on a widespread, well-established operation to falsify and avoid bluefin catch documents, which are meant to accompany legally caught bluefin tuna through the market. Violations with potential fines worth up to €3.6 million ($5 million) have been identified, and 70 wholesale and retail operators are under investigation. Authorities suspect that much of the tuna found through this operation was caught by driftnets.

Several steps must be taken to solve this issue. Loopholes in the Italian law must be closed, and ferrettare must be prohibited. On September 21, because of pressure from the EU, Italy revised its regulations for ferrettare, limiting their use to three miles from shore and reducing the mesh size to four inches, but keeping the permitted length at 1.5 miles. This is the latest attempt by the Italian ministry to avoid heavy sanctions that the EU is threatening to apply. Given Italy’s record on enforcement, a more straightforward solution would be to ban ferrettare outright.

bluefin tuna

On September 29, the EU announced it is beginning legal proceedings against Italy for its continued use of illegal driftnets. This is encouraging, but the EU should closely monitor Italy on this issue and take necessary action if no adequate progress is made.

ICCAT must also take action. Member countries should put Italian operators who have violated driftnet regulations on its illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing vessel list. Identifying these operations, in addition to the ferrettare ban, is a step in the right direction.

Given the significant threats to marine life, this action is long overdue.

drop the harmful fishing method

banned tuna fishing method

One of Australia's largest canned tuna brands has pledged to drop a harmful fishing method, and other brands are being urged to follow suit.

Tuna brand Greenseas announced today it would no longer use Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) with its purse seine net fishing operations by 2015.

FADs attract fish to a central point to be collected by large nets, ensuring more endangered species are caught.

banned tuna fishing net

The combined method of purse seine net fishing and FADs causes the widespread death of endangered species, including sharks, rays, dolphins and turtles.

"It's a big decision, it's a bold one for us and it's an important one for the business, but we feel it's the most important thing we can do to ensure sustainable canned tuna in Australia in the years to come," Heinz Australia corporate affairs manager Jessica Ramsden told reporters at the announcement at Bondi.

Greenseas' commitment to go FAD-free was the first of any major canned tuna brand in Australia, Ms Ramsden added.

"There are very few canned tuna brands in the world that have made this commitment," she said.

Greenpeace oceans campaigner Nathaniel Pelle said he hoped the move would encourage the Australian industry to make the change.

tuna fishing contest

Eight out of 10 Australian canned tuna brands, including John West, Woolworths and Coles, continue to source tuna using a combination of purse seine nets with FADs.

"Australian brands can make those changes and Greenseas is demonstrating that. We would like the rest of the industry in Australia to follow suit as the whole UK market has done," Mr Pelle said.

"If anything, they have a stronger reason to act because these unsustainable practices are happening right on our own doorstep."

Local primary school children dressed up as endangered fish demonstrated the devastating effects purse seine net fishing with FADs has on marine-life to an audience on Bondi Beach today.

The method was "absolutely unacceptable", Mr Pelle said.

"If Australian brands demand sustainable tuna, producers will respond."

Earlier this year, tuna brand Safcol dropped purse seine net fishing entirely and moved to 100 per cent pole and line caught tuna - the least harmful method.

Safcol marketing manager Deane de Villiers said the move had generated a "very very positive response" from consumers.

win tuna fishing contest now

"If the industry keeps going the way it's going, and if you listen to Greenpeace and the scientists, your kids are not going to have tuna," Mr de Villiers told reporters.

"We took tough decisions, we worked hard on it. It was a long hard slog, but we got there."

on New Hampshire beaches, Tuna joins ranks of puzzling wildlife deaths

A dead eight-foot-long bluefin tuna washed up on a beach in New Hampshire Wednesday, the latest of a number of sea creatures whose bodies have mysteriously washed up on the state’s shore.

“All of this together is very concerning,” said Ellen Goethel, a marine biologist and vice chair of the Hampton Conservation Commission.

Goethel’s 31-year-old son found the tuna when he was walking Plaice Cove Beach in Hampton. Goethel, who went to the beach to observe the fish, said she had seen five dead seabirds and three dead seals on the beach the week before.

“I don’t believe that it was caught and lost. It wasn’t injured from fishing,” Goethel said.

The New England Aquarium said last week that a dozen seal pups had washed up on the state’s beaches.

The aquarium is conducting tests on the creatures to determine if disease could be the cause of death. The tests are not expected back until Thursday, Tony LaCasse, spokesman for the aquarium, said today. Tests are also being conducted on the dead birds, said Allison McHale, fishery policy analyst with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Goethel is worried about the diseases the marine life may carry, such as hepatitis. She added that many locals walk their dogs on the beach on a daily basis.

“My concern was to get the animals off the beach as quickly as possible,” she said.

The offshore tuna fishing

The offshore fishing continues its late-season rally as the good fishing keeps coming for those willing to head down to fish the offshore waters between Punta Colnett and Isla San Martin.
Action Continues — Bluefin and yellowfin tuna, dorado and yellowtail action has continued to be good for long-range sportfishing boats out of San Diego, such as Excel (pictured). Excel crewman Derek Waldman (right) was just named second skipper for the long-range boat Red Rooster III.

Titan Tuna — During a long-range trip out of San Diego to Alijos Rocks, off Baja California, anglers aboard Excel reeled in three tuna weighing more than 100 pounds. Angler Ryan Christianson led the way with a 106.6-pounder, Chris Barth reeled in a 104-pounder and Al Petrovich caught a 100-pounder.

The first northern storms of the season went through Southern California and northern Baja a few days ago, and the boats that went out to sample the fishing after the storms found very good yellowtail and some hit-or-miss action on a mix of dorado, bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna.

There is a big area spread from 100 to 140 miles out from Point Loma, holding yellowtail, dorado, bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna — and boats have been finding action on headings ranging from 151 to 158 degrees from Point Loma.

Skippers are tending to fish the outer course lines between 158 and 154 degrees from Point Loma at the upper end of the zone and moving more to the inside part of the zone on the 151 to 153 degree headings from Point Loma as they work farther down the line to where they are fishing below and outside Isla San Martin. The water temperature in the region has been running 66.5 to 67.5 degrees.

Kelp paddies have been providing the best action with some action reportedly coming on the occasional jig strike, sonar mark or spot of working tern birds. Most yellowtail have been running from 3 to 15 pounds, and most of the tuna have been in the 15- to 20-pound range. Dorado have been mostly in the 12- to 20-pound range with an occasional bigger dorado being reported in the 35-pound range.

Starting off the reports, private boater Ronald Kruse of Kruse-N-Perfection fished a trip to the offshore waters below and outside Punta Colnet, and reported having four anglers catch 14 yellowtail, limits of dorado and one bluefin tuna. Kruse found dorado and yellowtail under a couple of kelp paddies and said the lone bluefin came on a jig strike. Their best fishing was found at 117 miles, 153 degrees from Point Loma.
Capt. Rich Hogan of the six-pack charter yacht Tom Cat of Cortez Yacht Charters fished the offshore waters below and outside Punta Colnett and reported catching limits of yellowtail and limits of dorado. Hogan found his fish from kelp paddies that were located while fishing between 115 and 117 miles from 154 to 159 degrees from Point Loma.

Private boater John Hoffereth of Sea Snake fished a recent 2.5-day trip to the offshore area ranging from below and outside Punta Colnett to the waters outside Isla San Martin. Hoffereth reported very good yellowtail fishing on both fishing days of the trip, and had limits of 8- to 15-pound yellowtail, a 35-pound dorado and a 20-pound bluefin tuna.

Most of their yellowtail and dorado came from fishing kelp paddies. They also had a double jig strike trolling stop on yellowtail and had another trolling strike that produced their bluefin tuna. Hoffereth said most of the action came while fishing between 110 and 125 miles on a 151 to158 degree heading from Point Loma.

Fishing at Los Coronados was producing yellowtail almost every day before the recent weather fronts came through the area. Yellowtail have been seen every day since the weather cleared, but the bite has been slow since the storms. Water temperatures dropped to between 61.5 and 63 degrees after the storms went through, and the yellows have not been biting very well in the cooler water.

Schools of yellows are still around at the Coronados, and anglers are hoping that they will go back on the bite soon. Most yellowtail have been located with scanning sonar, and they have been found at the Rockpile, the South Kelp Ridge and the Middle Grounds.
A few bass and barracuda have been biting at the Middle Grounds and the 5 Minute Kelp (just below and inside South Island). Hard-bottom areas have also been producing an assortment of bottomfish. Some productive areas for bottomfishing have been the outside drop-off of the South Kelp Ridge and at hard-bottom areas north of North Island.

The San Diego-area coastal fishing remains in bottomfishing mode with an assortment of rockfish and sculpin making up the bulk of the catch. There has been little to report in the way of recent surface-fishing activity except for a few bass. Some productive areas for bottomfishing have been the Imperial Beach Pipeline, the Green Tank at Point Loma, the upper and lower ends of La Jolla, the hard-bottom area outside Cardiff and the Anderson and Buccaneer pipelines.

A long winter season is ahead. I would want to get out there before the summertime offshore species like tuna, dorado and the kelp paddy yellowtail head farther south for the winter. Keep on fishing, and I hope to see you out on the water.

Icelandic Waters Surprising Bluefin Tuna Catch

The crew of Baldvin Njálsson GK from Gardur were stunned to discover 12 bluefin tunas in their mid-water trawl while fishing for mackerel 50 nautical miles east of Djúpivogur, southeast Iceland, earlier this month.

blue tuna fish and diver

“We would have been surprised to catch one tuna, let alone 12,” captain Arnar Óskarsson told Morgunbladid. “There were other ships in these fishing grounds but none of them caught any tuna along with their mackerel and I’ve never heard of such a catch in Icelandic waters before.”

Each fish weighed 220-250 kilos and so this was a catch of almost three tons. However, there was hardly any mackerel in the trawl. The catch was processed and frozen and the crew members are considering selling it to Japan.

However, ideally it should be frozen at -60°C (-76°F) instead of -33°C (-27°F), which was the lowest possible temperature at the time, but Óskarsson is confident that he will obtain a good price for the tuna—quality tuna goes for sky-high prices at auctions.

“I have heard of Japanese ships that were chasing tuna to the south of Iceland and they were said to be satisfied with one to three fish per 24 hours,” Óskarsson stated.

The website of the Icelandic Directorate of Fisheries states that all tunas caught in Icelandic waters must be reported to the directorate, which reports it to the ICCAT (The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas).

All organized fishing of bluefin tuna in the East Atlantic is banned without special permission from the directorate.

alaska fishing

get ready, here are your alaska fish and game fish

 Red Salmon/sockeye


Silver/coho Salmon

King Salmon

alaska trout
Pink Salmon

here are more information about identifying trout and salmon

trout fish

trout fish? no problem here are your target
The rainbow trout is a species of salmonid native to tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. The steelhead is a sea run rainbow trout (anadromous) usually returning to freshwater to spawn after 2 to 3 years at sea.

rainbow trout

Lake Trout

bass fish

here are your bass fish target
Bass fishig encompasses all of the fishing associated with the North American gamefish called the black bass, and are part of the sunfish family.

  smallmouth bass
 peacock bass
  largemouth bass
  stripped bass